Painting Interior and Exterior
simply people want to change their taste and want to see their house , their room with another color,
before all painting , we inspect and tell you if how it is going to finish when I explain you that it need to prepare all surface like power wash, caulk lines , gaps , scrapes some places , primer and painted the area. All paint finish in the walls . ceiling or everywhere we paint it need to finish all pure color. you will see the big difference between not painted for years than painted recently .
Residential House Painting here in long island NY
Contact perfectoremodel corp. today for a free consultation,
including a free estimate and color advice. We will show you what we can do to bring out the best in any room.
Experienced, trusted painting professional.
Highest Quality
• Experienced Expert
Professional Residential House Painting all the time
• Perfectionist
Focused on the details until will enhance the place of your dreams
We cover with plastic, paint drop clothes, Splatter Free!
• Variety of paint
Accomplished in commercial, residential and remodeling work
Hassle Free
• Polite and Courteous
• Clean • Quiet • Neat
• Thorough Communication
• Professional
• Competitive Pricing
Everything is written it means all details of the work will be written on paper, clarification is the key before start any work.
• References and Testimonials
• full licensed and insured in new York state.
Residential House Painting PerfectoRemodel corp.
Residential House Painting
We know you have several options
when it comes to painting your home. Painting the interior or exterior of your home yourself can be a big pain. Even hiring a contractor to paint can cause a lot of frustrations! At PerfectoRemodel corp. is an interactive communication with the same owner of the company , friendly , custom estimate , unique price and confidential
Painting we aim to make the process easy and pain free. Having your house painted right and looking great is a given. . We go above and beyond just having your job done right, but providing stellar communication and customer service. Some examples of this include the following:
· We provide professional color consulting
· official work order form prior to starting work
· job status
· reports given to you end of each day by phone, sms, email …
Most properties will require painting on a regular basis to keep them in good condition. The time
between repainting will depend upon the location of the house, the weather, the quality of paint
was used before, and how many coat of paint was done, and finally the preparation.
Care is required to select the correct paint system, to prepare the surfaces and to apply the primer, undercoat and topcoat.
Paint failure is usually the result of inadequate preparation and poor application. We buy the best tools so our painting work comes incomparable, inpecable and fine , fine work.
what we paint or stain :
deck painting
drywall painting
shed painting
drylock painting in the basement
siding painting
flooring painting
garage epoxy painting
office or commercial painting
use of stain, poly on the wood flooring